Manchester, MediaCity

24 October 2024

MediaCity 2024 was huge success - check out our highlights reel and recorded seminar sessions.

We’re looking forward to seeing you back on 6 November 2025…REGISTRATION IS OPEN NOW!

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What local transport options are there?

All the info you need is HERE

Check the local transport tab to the left and this is the link to the main multi storey car park - HERE

Where is it in MediaCity?

The Hot Husse is the huge glass front building on the front of the main Piazza Square. We gave BBC on one side and the Uni on the other

Is there food and drink on site?

We have our own cafe serving hot and cold drinks as well as food throughout the day. There are also plenty of local cafe options right on our doorstep.


What local transport options are there?

All the info you need is HERE

Check the local transport tab to the left and this is the link to the main multi storey car park - HERE

Where is it in MediaCity?

The Hot Husse is the huge glass front building on the front of the main Piazza Square. We gave BBC on one side and the Uni on the other

Is there food and drink on site?

We have our own cafe serving hot and cold drinks as well as food throughout the day. There are also plenty of local cafe options right on our doorstep.